Our Colliding Orbits: Chapter 4


that first day was certainly interesting

after finding the right bus 

and getting lost on my way home,

i fumble with the lock 

and collapse onto my couch

i don’t get a minute of rest

before my brother 

crashes into the room

jumping on top of me

my mother right behind him


he shouts in excitement 

“guess what we did today” 

i can’t help but smile

and ask him what

my brother is easy to love 

with his wide grin

still lacking his front teeth

big amber eyes 

milk chocolate hair 

and energy 

that only an eight-year-old 

can possess

the scent of spices

hits me 

when i walk 

into the kitchen

my father

sprinkling oregano 

red pepper flakes

into a pan 

full of chopped 

onion and garlic

he pours in tomato

from a can 

and rips up basil 

placing it on top

he swirls the sauce 

in the pan 

reminding me 

of my thoughts 

about the boy 

all swirling in my head

he uses a wooden spoon 

to stir it all together 

to create something magical 

that fits together 

like puzzle pieces

every ingredient of it 

combines together 

to create something 

that everyone will love

in the back of my mind

i wonder if the boy has ever had 

something as magical as that

something that works

whether it’s platonic 

romantic or familial

clearly he’s had a lack of love

even if it takes him forever to admit

he knows he needs it

he’s had so much 

taken away from him

in his short life

any drop of happiness 

snatched away from him

any bit of serenity 

hidden by his numb exterior

he takes out his pain 

on himself

he’s given up

trying to give it 

to anyone else

he needs so much help

help that i want to give him

help that i know he won’t accept 

as long as a mask 

is still covering his past

and his life 

as long as he still 

refuses to open up

you would have to rip it off

prying until you fall backward

scratch around the sides 

to remove the glue 

plastered across his face

that keeps his mask up

in order to 

see just a glimpse 

of vulnerability

opposed to his numb exterior

an explanation 

of his trauma

i want to offer him 


reach out in a way 

he has never 

experienced before

or maybe he has

maybe he had 





but lost it.

i don’t know why 

i’m so drawn to this boy

when i’ve known him

 for less than a day

maybe it’s my need 

to solve every problem 

before they start

maybe it’s the way

his face lit up with surprise

and just a flicker of hope

when i defended him

maybe the whisper of a smile

that has such potential 

to be beautiful

on his forever sullen lips

the way the melancholy rain

surrounding him 

evaporated for just a moment

maybe i want to see 

if he has dimples 

when he laughs

i want to hear his voice

when it’s not full of darkness

but in the end

the reason doesn’t matter

because the truth is

if i don’t help him

no one else will.