Our Colliding Orbits: Chapter 3

Trigger Warning: homophobia, bullying


they walk through the halls

their hands intertwined

his rings touching their fingers

as he grasps tighter 

his hands trembling

because he’s afraid

they both are

one is viewed as stronger

because they aren’t sensitive

don’t flinch at the words

yet is still holding back tears

they receive looks




narrowed eyes

insults flow through the air

as easily as a river

crashing against the shore

of their minds

they try to ignore them

but it’s difficult 

when they’re hurled

directly at them

pitched as fast

as a baseball


they absorb the words

believe them

accept them

the damage gets done

bullets to their relationship 

arrows piercing their connection

just a few words

can change everything

can ruin something 

so beautiful

perceived as wrong




but is really just

a love like any other

a promise yet to be broken

he’s slipping





to cling on

to a lifeless thread


it breaks

he breaks

physically he’s fine

but mentally he’s bruised

he can’t do it anymore

the voices in his head

tell him he’s not enough

that he’s a freak 

an outcast

that he doesn’t deserve 

to be here on this planet

he’s tried to ignore them

to block them out 

with his own attempts 

at internal reassurance

he’s begged them to leave him

prayed for them to leave

but he knows they will stay

stay in his mind

stay in his soul

invite themselves in

without permission

to destroy everything good

he’s ever had

when the insults and slurs

are hurled at them

he doesn’t fight back

he holds his breath

bites his tongue

scrunches his eyes closed

he knows if he sees them

if he looks up at them 

instead of down 

at his stained sneakers

he will cry

instead he tries 

over and over again

to reassure himself

you’ll be alright

what if i’m not?

he doesn’t want

to answer that question

too afraid of the response

the whole world judges him

for something he cannot control

it’s not fair

i can’t help it

i didn’t do anything wrong

he wants to yell at them

to scream at them


someone whispers

a single word

that he dreads hearing

and he knows

in that moment

he can’t do this anymore

he opens his mouth

he stammers

his lips move up and down

but the words he needs to say

won’t come out

his confidence disappeared

with the first look he received

now he’s just a cracked shell

of the person he used to be

why can’t they 

leave me alone

why do i get 

discriminated against

not just me

avery too

why are we called out

for a love like any other

what’s different about it

what’s wrong

he wonders

he has to get out of there

before he breaks

in front of them

he releases his grip

on his partner’s hand

he runs through

the crowded hallway

past the teachers

the students

his friends

his enemies

he shoves the door open

stumbles on his way out

breathes in the fresh air

he jumps over the steps

his shoes landing 

on the soft grass

he positions his bag 

over his shoulder

 and he runs 

he runs 

he doesn’t stop

because he knows 

there’s nowhere left for him

he’ll give them 

more to talk about

but he doesn’t care anymore

he was once a golden boy

bright as sunshine

he offered them his flame 

his spark of life 

but they drenched it in water

and crushed the match 

beneath their shoes

now he’s as dark

as the night sky

who’s lost its stars.