Our Colliding Orbits: Chapter 2

Trigger Warning: physical abuse/violence, alcoholism.


home is a strange concept

other people go home

and it’s a blessing

a break from school

from work

a chance to recover

to unwind

they dwell 

in the temporary peace

before worrying 

about work

or chores

they run 

into the waiting arms

of their families

their friends

their partner

they breathe in

the scent of the spices 

in someone’s cooking

the smoke of a crackling fire

ready to keep them warm

the lush gardens

sprinkled with fresh rain

aromatic flowers in their lawn

they find solace 




 in their homes

siblings and parents

encouraging them

helping them 

protecting them


that there will always 

be open arms

ready to catch them 

when they fall

to me, that perfect home

is unfamiliar

home is not 

welcoming arms

home is arms 

shoving me forward

forcing me to trip

criticism in my ears

spiraling through my brain

i wish i had a place 

that belonged to me

that no one else could enter

i would be alone

but never lonely

a treehouse perhaps

scented with cinnamon 

where i could nestle myself

in soft blankets

worn books 

would lay around me

my slender fingers

would wrap around 

a steaming cup 

fairy lights would line

the wooden planks

but no 

that is just a dream

dreams will stay dreams

a fantasy in your head

your happy place 

a place you label home

that you can visit

but never touch

when i go home

it’s an eternal curse

imposed upon me

i shouldn’t call it home

it’s just a raggedy old house

with small rooms

faded paint

shutters that tremble

in the wind

flickering lights

that can’t decide

if they want to be 

on or off

dim or bright

i’ve known it 

since the age of eleven

six years ago

i’ve memorized 

every object 

every room 

every creaky step

every uncertain breath 

every blood stain

i’ve traced my fingers 

along every dusty surface

unwashed sheets

and limp pillows

strewn across 

the stained couch 

to create my bed

broken bathroom tiles

click against each other

on my way to the sink 

with rusty handles

that’s never warm 

but i still use daily

hoping that the water

will cleanse me

of this place

wash away the memories

rid me of the 

aroma of guilt

in a constant cloud

above my head

every day

after putting it off

dragging my feet 

on my way home

attempting to find a route

that takes the longest

i step through the door

and am acquainted

with my oldest friend

nice to meet you

despair tells me every day

oh my friend

i reply

you have known me

since my first breath

after that

she stays silent

but stays with me 

weighing me down

tightening my lungs

making my fingers tremble

school isn’t any better

but today 

something different

a new girl 

her chestnut hair 

framing her light skin

 her hazel eyes turning cold 

thin eyebrows narrowing

when she sees them

trying to provoke me

she does something

that no one’s ever tried

she tries to defend me

i said she shouldn’t bother

 telling her with my somber eyes

that there’s no point 

that it won’t change anything

but that unfamiliar feeling

warmed my chest

giving me the hope

i’d been searching for 

my entire life

but of course 

just like anyone else

she leaves me empty 

whispering under her breath

that i’m ungrateful 

for not accepting her help

i don’t need your help 

i wanted to shout 

but everyone knows

that i do

and my one chance 

is gone

the second i enter my house 

i hold my breath 

as the sound of footsteps 

approaches me

his heavy boots

crashing against 

the wooden floor

but he’s quiet

he’s scarier 

when he’s quiet

unspoken threats

hang in the air

he stumbles

catches himself

clutches the bottle so tight

i’m afraid it will break

he raises his free hand

but it drops 

too limp to touch me

his glossed over eyes

and blurry vision 

make it so he’s unable 

to see clear enough 

to harm me

he slurs something illegible

staggering past me

mumbling under his breath 

his hand reaches out 

to steady himself

striking my chest

he’s intoxicated enough

that his hit is weak 

it doesn’t burn 

like it usually does


i bite my tongue 

clench my fists 

trying my hardest

not to react

to draw attention

causing my own pain

that i can control

use to cover up the pain

 someone else caused

but sometimes 

i can’t help it 

when he leaves me

whimpering on the floor

gasping for air

clutching the bruise

or pressing a shirt 

to the leaking red 

staining my clothes

when he passes me

slumping onto his mattress

i let out a breath

my pulse slowing





because i am alone

i’m as safe as i can be

in this house.