Needle Spiking: The Newest Form of Drug Abuse at Nightclubs

Recently, a new form of date-rape drug has arrived to the Spanish nightclub scene: “needle spiking.” Different regions in Spain, including Andalucia and Aragon, have noticed a surge in reports from women who believe they were drugged, after having suffered from memory loss and discovering bruises that indicate some sort of injection. More than 50 cases have been reported across Spain, with growing numbers in France, the Netherlands, Belgium, and the UK. More than 1,300 reports of needle spiking have been made to UK police forces in less than six months according to The Guardian. Spanish police have not linked sexual assault or robbery to any drugging reports in Spain, Although forces in the UK have been made aware of at least 14 secondary offenses such as sexual assault or theft potentially linked to the injections.

One such report came from a 13-year-old girl in the northern Spanish city of Gijón, whom, after feeling a prick in her arm, told her parents, who promptly rushed her to the hospital. Tests revealed that the 13-year-old girl had traces of a party drug “ecstasy.” 

Multiple cases such as this one were reported to authorities across Spain, with victims describing dizziness and loss of consciousness immediately after feeling a sharp prick. At least 20 out of the 50 cases were reported in Catalunya. Just in July, two women were reported to be injected in the arm and thigh (respectively) in the Barcelona nightclub, Les Enfants. 

Police investigations in Spain have not yet been able to determine the drug used. 

However, after analyzing  100 toxicology samples, the UK Metropolitan Police have found “a small number of positive suspected spiking incidents.” Apart from the 30% of samples that were found to contain controlled drugs, 3 samples held non-prescribed or self-administered drugs including sedating antihistamine diphenhydramine, chemicals found in magic mushrooms and GHB; a liquid that is difficult to inject. Police reported, “As the puncture itself is not a crime, it is essential that victims provide a toxicological analysis to help clarify the motivations of this new practice.” The police advise  women (or anybody, for that matter) who believe they have been drugged to seek medical attention and immediate drug testing to identify the drug before it disappears in the blood. Not to mention, victims face the possibility of contracting HIV or hepatitis infection due to an unsanitary needle. Hospitals and police are aware of the sensitivity of this issue and do not want to spread panic or generalized alarm around nightclubs, however this  makes it difficult to launch a statement regarding this new practice. A police spokesperson explained “officers want to be very rigorous in order not to create a climate of terror,” regarding the recent injections.

Increasing awareness of these incidents is crucial for the safety of clubgoers. If this type of violation continues it could potentially spread outside of nightclubs to other crowded places including public transit stops and touristic areas.

Additional sources

Ara in English. “Police Confirm Six Complaints in Catalonia for Needle Spiking in Nightclubs.” Ara in English, Ara in English, 26 July 2022,

Editor, Online News. “Surge in Needle Spiking in Spain Nightclubs Raises Alarm – La Prensa Latina Media.” La Prensa Latina Bilingual Media, 5 Aug. 2022,

Hinojosa, Jorge. “Police Investigate Spate of ‘Needle Spike’ Attacks on Women in Clubs across Spain.” Olive Press News Spain, 4 Aug. 2022,

“Needle Spiking Reports to UK Police Exceed 1,300 in Six Months.” The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 26 Jan. 2022,

RS, Guillem. “Map: Needle Spiking in Catalonia’s Dance Clubs: Where Have Cases Been Reported?” In English, In English, 1 Aug. 2022, 

1 thought on “Needle Spiking: The Newest Form of Drug Abuse at Nightclubs

  1. How is the “puncture itself” not a crime? It seems like that would be a crime in any country, whether or not the needle has drugs or not. What do you think people should do to protect themselves at a nightclub? Does a person who frequents nightclubs expect it to be a place where others motivations should be suspect? If they do, should they reconsider whether they frequent them?

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