Our Colliding Orbits: Chapter 6


the boy spoke to me 

for the first time yesterday

his name is caleb

his voice was soft

but maybe that’s because

he’s used to speaking 

in a low tone

to not draw attention

he didn’t try and continue 

our short interaction 

didn’t say anything else

just nodded at me


it’s a start

certainly more

 than i expected

i think 

he forgave me

i think 

he’s going to give me

a chance

as i walk to school

my mind swirls 

like a tornado 

broken bits and pieces 

of my thoughts

spinning throughout it

i arrive 

my eyes 

find him at once

they’re drawn to him

like a magnet to metal


he doesn’t look 

like he’s given up

he looks like 

he’s found a clue

to the treasure 

he’s been searching for

for all of his life

dare i say

that there’s 

a hint of a smile

on his face

as he approaches me?

he seems unfamiliar 

with the idea

that he can feel happiness

like anyone else

maybe he’s been told 

that he doesn’t deserve it


i should stop

assuming things

about this stranger

before i know him

i tell myself

he comes up to me


he says

for a minute 

i forget how to speak


i manage 

shocked that this boy

would voluntarily 

come up to me

after what i said

after i broke his trust

something that he barely 

had scraps of 

to begin with

i realize i’m staring

and tell myself to stop

i can’t scare him away 

not now

i want to reach out 

and touch him

see if he’s real

comfort him

talk to him

but i can’t 

not yet

he fidgets 

playing with his hands

he’s nervous

he doesn’t know 

what to say


i say

he startles

“so, um..”

he says 

“i just wanted to..”

he shuffles his feet

looking at the ground 

“to thank you”

he mumbles

“for defending me”

he looks at me

his numb eyes 

full of yearning

as i look at them closer

i notice 

he has flecks of gold

within them

hidden behind

his dark lashes

i’m taken aback

by his words

but i won’t show it

what happened last night

to change this boy

into such a different person?

trying to act composed

i tell him

“it’s no problem 

no one else 

would have done it”

he nods in agreement

“no one ever has

until you”

the corners 

of his lips raise

when he says you

blink and you would miss it

but i swear he looked at me

with happiness in his eyes

for just a fragment of a second

i swear his moon eyes lit up

shining with light 

of the sun perhaps

but it almost looks like 

it’s his own light

created to cover up

his demons

and i know

he will be beautiful 

when he smiles

“i’m sorry”

i say tentatively

he shrugs

“what can you do”

i can do

whatever you need

 even if you’ll refuse 

to admit that you need it

i want to tell him

but i can’t


i tell him

“i hope it gets better”

he looks at me

before he turns to walk away

“i have a feeling it will”

he almost forms a smile

he contains it

but i can see it

“bye, caleb”

i whisper

once he’s gone

i never thought

 i’d get this far with him

within a day

but life is full of surprises

you never know

 what will happen next.